About Us

Who We Are

Select Riviera Maya Real Estate is a company committed to accompanying our clients in every step of a process that ensures their assets.

Convinced that success is the result of determination and perseverance, we help people make their dreams come true.

For us, the acquisition of a property is not only a safe way to protect assets, it is also the path to financial security and emotional peace of mind. Therefore, our concern will always be to know very well those who honor us with their trust to meet their needs and expectations.


Our Team

Luis Toledo
Real Estate Agent

Combining an extraordinary career and experience in Real Estate with the highest level of customer service, Luis has an impressive track record of delivering exceptional results for every client he serves. His drive and discipline have earned him recognition from his peers and the Real Estate industry in the region.


Jessica San Jose Donaire
Real Estate Agent

Born in Spain, Jessica is renowned by her determination, professionalism, focus, and perseverance. This have earned her recognition in high-end Real Estate circles in Mexico and in competitive markets such as Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Here she represented clients and builders of the highest rank for seven years, earning their trust, and multiple awards from one of the City's top sales agencies.

Jorge Roldan
Real Estate Agent

Jorge is an example of the ability that we all have to start at a specific point, see the horizon and travel a path full of experiences and learning to reach an unimaginable destination.

So he started his professional life studying veterinary medicine at UNAM in Mexico City, emigrated to Canada and for many years ventured into the business of selling luxury cars at companies like BMW and Mercedes Benz. During this period he acquires great experience and strengths in areas such as Customer Focus, Negotiation, Decision Making, Leadership, Focus on Results, Sense of Urgency, as well as Effective Communication.

Jorge was continually recognized for his effectiveness in achieving Customer Satisfaction above the industry average, by providing service levels in line with his expectations, following up with his customers, and maintaining post-sale contact. All this experience and acquired skills are integrated today into Select Riviera Maya Real Estate for the benefit and peace of mind of our clients, who honor us with their confidence in making real estate decisions.


Mora Comunicación

Select Riviera Maya Real Estate ha formado una poderosa alianza con MORA COMUNICACIÓN, una reconocida empresa de marketing y comunicaciones. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en el diseño de estrategias integrales, MORA COMUNICACIÓN ayuda a posicionar a los clientes por delante de la competencia. Esta alianza estratégica permite a Select Riviera Maya Real Estate ofrecer soluciones excepcionales de marketing, publicidad y diseño, lo que garantiza un éxito sin precedentes en el dinámico mercado inmobiliario.

Karla Guzmán
Gerente de Administración

Considerada como el corazón de la empresa, Karla es quien nos mantiene al tanto de todo lo referente a lo administrativo en Select Riviera Maya Real Estate. Sus habilidades en el multitasking, análisis y creatividad en la mejora continua de procesos son fundamentales en nuestro trabajo diario. Llevar a cabo todas las funciones administrativas de una empresa no es algo sencillo y Karla se mantiene siempre al tanto de todo.

La capacidad de Karla para integrar toda su experiencia adquirida tanto en el ámbito hotelero, contable y de Real Estate nos permite mantener un seguimiento preciso de las necesidades manifestadas por nuestros clientes a través del CRM y organizarnos para brindar el mejor servicio posible a toda solicitud de información.


Lizeth Gutierrez Gaxiola
Real Estate Agent

Nacida en el Estado de Sonora al norte de México, Liz siempre se ha caracterizado por la constante búsqueda de oportunidades que le permitan una constante superación personal. Ello le ha permitido incursionar en distintos ámbitos como la administración de empresas, la industria de la cosmetología y los bienes raíces, lo que le ha brindado la oportunidad de crecimiento en el trato personalizado, enfoque a resultados y procesos de mejora continua.

Para Lizbeth la construcción de relaciones de confianza basadas en la honestidad y la claridad en la comunicación son primordiales en su quehacer diario, algo que se percibe desde que la conoces..

Alberto Godinez
Real Estate Agent

He arrived in this Paradise called Playa del Carmen 25 years ago, to which he owes a lot, here he met Julie his wife, it is the place where his children have grown up, and where they continue to enjoy and value every moment.

It is here where 23 years ago he had the opportunity to start in this incredible world of Real Estate, from which he continues to learn every day, creating relationships and alliances that allow him to grow professionally and achieve his objectives, one of which is to be able to advise to each client in a personalized way, focusing on meeting the requirements and criteria of each search.

Alberto is passionate about cooking and after-dinner meals full of friends, good talks, wine and lots of laughter


Larissa Merino
Real Estate Agent

With an approach focused on full knowledge of the region Larissa, who was born in Mexico City, feels proud to have put down roots in the Riviera Maya and give her family the opportunity to grow and develop in this wonderful region. Years of living here also give him the excellent opportunity to enter the real estate leasing business, providing his clients with all the experience and knowledge about how things happen here, providing very quick solutions to any difficulty that his guests may face.

Larissa is determined to contribute all that experience and knowledge for the benefit of each and every one of the investors who honor us with their trust.

We'll help you find a piece of paradise in the Riviera Maya, Mexico

Direct line

+52 984 116 6828

Our Location

Playa del Carmen, MX


Contact us so we can help you with personalized assistance